TV Guide Jessie Criticism

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The infamous "icky females" blurb:

JEERS to the producers of The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest, for adding a sappy little girl to Turner's update of the classic '60s cartoon. It's true: When Jonny, Hadji, Dr. Quest, and Race return to TV in '96, they'll be joined by Race's daughter Jessie. Jonny and Jessie "are good friends," says a press release, "and they may become more than that." More than that? Yuck! Jonny & Co. have always gotten along just fine without any icky females. In 1993, viewers of the Cartoon Network even voted Race "Favorite Cartoon Mom" (he beat out Wilma Flintstone and Jane Jetson), recognizing -- and validating -- Toontown's most untraditional family. This isn't the p.c. thing to say, but we wish Quest's producers had kept the "Girls Keep Out" sign posted on this boys' club.

From: Press, Interviews, and FAQs