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Hello, this is Hadji. I have just spent a very enlightening couple of hours in meditation. I am a serious student in the practice of Yoga. Yoga enlightens both the mind and the body, enabling me to control my physical capabilities and expand my consciousness. I can experience the "astral plane," where I gain serenity and lose all sense of self awareness. This better enables me to contemplate universal knowledge and awareness. Jeremiah Surd took advantage of me once when I was in this state, but Jonny and Jessie came to my rescue. Yoga helped my rescue Jonny and Race, too, when they were trapped underwater in very cold seas, and I could control my body temperature enough to bring them to safety.

Of course, I do not want you to risk such adventures. You can, however, expand your knowledge of your body and mind by perusing the sites listed below. Gain greater understanding of another philosophy and of yourself, and you augment the capabilities of your body, too.


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